Friday, March 14, 2014

Homemade Cloth Wipe Solution

have been cloth diapering Peeka for just over a month now and it has been wonderful. We even traveled 3.5 hours to Chicago to MommyCon (our adventures at MommyCon will be my next post) in cloth diapers. Granted most of the babies there were in cloth, it was our first big trip without disposables.
When I first started using cloth I never thought about using cloth wipes too. Why wouldn't I just use disposables? They are so convienent, right? Wrong! It is such a pain to have to have a wet bag/pail for cloth diapers and a diaper genie/trash can for wipes. I want easy. I want to be able to throw the wipe in the dirty diaper and put it in my wet bag and call it good. Cloth wipes just make more sense.
So I have been trying to use up what we have left of our disposables wipes. I am calling it quits today. I will always have some disposable wipes around and in the diaper bag for messy hands or quick clean ups but I will not be using them to clean bottoms anymore.
I have about two dozen bumGenius Natural Flannel Baby Wipes that I'd been using as wash cloths because they are so soft and 12 Planetwise Flannel Wipes I got on clearance from Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique (I get most of my cloth goodies from them if my local store doesn't carry the product). So I was set on wipes but I need the solution to go with them. I had been researching all kinda of diy wipe solutions and premade solutions online. Being lazy and cheap I decided to try my own with things I already had on hand. I found a simple recipe that I had to try from

Basic Wipe Solution (Can be used with your favorite soap and oil.)
So I whipped up a batch.

I used Organic Coconut Oil, and a 1/4 cup of each Aveeno Baby Wash. I mixed it up and it looked like this.

I've read that some people put this solution in a spray bottle and spray the baby or the wipe and use, some people will put this solution over wipes in a wipe warmer and have premoistened wipes ready at hand and some people leave it in a container with a top and dip their wipes in when cleaning baby.
I realized I have no wipe warmer, no extra spray bottle (we just moved at a pitched anything empty) and if I had an open container of anything on the changing table Peeka would kick it and spill it everywhere. I do have a OXO Perfect Pull Wipes Dispenser that is awesome. I have 17 wipes folded up and ready to go in it.

You can watch this video from my favorite to see how to fold wipes so they come out one at a time.

I did pour an extra cup of water over top just because the solution seemed really soapy once I poured it on the wipes.

Now time to test these bad boys out! Peeka wanted to put them to the ultimate challenge, she pooped... A lot!
The wipes cleaned up Peeka's bottom so well. A+ on clean up. The thing was the wipes were so soapy I had to ring them out and I felt like I was leaving so much soap and oil on her bum. There were soap suds I had to wipe off with a dry cloth. Not squirmy baby friendly. Not to mention my wipes stuck together when I tried to pull them out!

BUT it was nice to throw everything in one place instead of having a trash and a wet bag!

I think the next batch I will use a lot LESS soap. I think I will also wet the wipes and squeeze out the extra solution before I place the wipes in the box.

All in all cloth wipes will be much more convienent that disposables once I figure out the solution thing.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Back from the Dead...


We moved!!! So my time has been spent dealing with packing and keeping my 4 month old happy. Which was hell. Pure hell.

Now I get to nest! Living in an apartment I knew we were going to move out of kept me from getting Peeka's things nice and organized.

On another note, cloth diapering has been going so well! I love it. The GroVia hybrids and AIO's are amazing. We have also found Smart Bottoms Smart Ones AIO fit really well. Plus they are 100% USA made AND the company is from Grand Rapids Michigan! Literally a hop skip and jump away!

More to come...

-"Just let me pull your hair Mom!"
-Cheap Drunk