Monday, January 27, 2014

The day(s) our lives changed forever.

My husband Joel and I got married November 1st, 2012. We went to a quaint city on Lake Michigan and got married in the courthouse. Simple. Just how we wanted.
We came back to the apartment we had shared for over a year after a week of shopping and relaxing and went on with our lives. We had discussed having kids. Well, I had told Joel that I wanted to me a mother and he told me how he didn't want kids. I had been off the pill for a few months and we had "avoided" the fertile days. We did a pretty good job. Until... We didn't.
I knew I was pregnant the moment it happened. Of course, I thought "There is no way. People try to have babies for months, even years. There is no way I could be pregnant." A few days before my period I took 2 pregnancy tests. One said "Not Pregnant" and the other one said "Error". Yes, I somehow peed on a stick incorrectly. I stared at the words "Not Pregnant" and tried to make myself believe it. I knew I was pregnant.
The next day Joel and I went out to eat to celebrate a new job and promotion he had got. It was a cold February day so I order a tall Blue Moon to brighten my day. It was the most vile thing I had ever tasted. That moment I knew I was pregnant.
So, when my period didn't come on schedule (it was a Monday) I went to the store and bought more tests. I don't know why I was so self conscious buying pregnancy tests. I was married for heavens sakes. I rushed back home and sat my butt down and peed. Within seconds I got 4 little + signs.
"Holy (bad word)! I'm pregnant!"

Joel was at work when I found out. My heart was beating a thousand times a minute. I was excited and terrified. I didn't want to call Joel while he was at work... So I sent him this very picture. Of course it didn't matter how I told him. He freaked out.
After about two weeks he got over the shock and was excited to be a dad.
I think I slept 15 hours a day until I was 12 weeks along. I also felt like I was going to puke 24/7. I puked twice the whole pregnancy.
The pregnancy was smooth sailing after the first trimester. We named the baby Little Foot so we wouldn't have to call it "It". Our baby was due 10/29/2013 and I could not wait.
We could only think of girls names and thank the goodness because
We were going to have a daughter.

As my due date grew closer and my belly grew bigger we decided to name our baby girl Henly Grace.

My due date came and went. I was hoping for a Halloween baby but Henly wanted her own day.

Maybe she'd come on our first anniversary. I felt contractions but they went away.
Then on November 6th around midnight I began to feel contractions. I thought they would go away like before. It wasn't until around 5am as Joel was getting ready for work did I realize these contractions weren't going anywhere. I let my mom know what was going on. Of course the eager beaver she is wanted me to go to the hospital right away. I wanted to wait as long as possible. I ate and took a shower. Joel and I watched the morning news. It was around 7am when the contractions were becoming very very uncomfortable. So off to the hospital we went.

By now I was 10 days over due and I was going to be induced. I was disappointed but also excited. I knew Pitocin made everything so much worse. Speed up 24 hours after induction began I still wasn't dilating. Henly's heart rate hadn't changed at all. She was content in her cozy home. I wanted to cry. I was so uncomfortable even with the epidural. Then my doctor rushed in. I remember wanting to cry I was so happy to see her. She still had her coat and purse on and told me that the other doctors had done everything they could and that we needed to do a csection.
"A C-Section?!" I thought. I hadn't even thought about having surgery my whole pregnancy. I was so unprepared. I just wanted to meet my baby.
I remember Joel being excited to put scrubs on. We were both so exhausted. Not to mention my mother had been waiting with us the whole time.
Finally at 10am we went in and at 10:23am we got to see the tiny person who had been living in my belly.

Henly Grace Hoffmaster
7lbs 9oz

That is the face that changed me forever. 

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